Get your Boater Education Card or Boating License ONLINE!
By taking a boating safety course with the Recreational PowerBoating Association's partner,™, you help make our waterways safer and more enjoyable. Your boater education card may help you avoid fines from states where mandatory boater education laws are in effect, and may also entitle you to a reduction on your marine insurance. Online Boating License and Certification
Course is approved by the National Association of State Boating
Administrators (NASBLA) and recognized by the U.S. Coast
Guard Office of Boating Safety.™ is the leading provider of safe boater education across North America. Their boating safety course helps boaters to meet state education requirements and to obtain their boater education card or boating license online.
At™, there is a Pay only when you Pass policy. There is no cost to retry the exam if you do not pass. You will receive your score and be allowed to review any of your wrong answers. You can then review the course material and take the exam again at no cost to you. Once you have passed the exam, the cost of the exam will be $29.95. There is no additional cost for your Boater Education Card which will be mailed to you home within 3-5 weeks. After completeing the exam, use the Recreational Powerboating Association Pomotional Code BEXASAX and recieve $5.00 off.
Once you have your Education Card, Take a powerboat course with an RPBA certification facility. The Recreational PowerBoating Association is the world's foremost organization dedicated to training, teaching and certifying schools, instructors and enthusiasts. When you join the Recreational PowerBoating Association, or work with a RPBA certified school, you know you're learning and getting the most rigorous, safety-first education and the best instruction available.If you choose to venture beyond the basics, we'll expand your horizons by teaching you to navigate with electronics and with the stars. With our instruction, become certified at advanced or offshore levels and the world's oceans will become your highways and by-ways. You can learn everything about powerboating or select the things that interest you the most. Selecting a RPBA school assures you of professional training and the best value for your education dollar.
The Recreational Powerboating Association (RPBA) was formed in 2009 in a direct response to the need for a national boater education program that emphasizes a practical, hands on approach. The RPBA’s mission is to be the leader in delivering the highest quality practical boater education in the United States, emphasizing safety, knowledge and practice as the confidence-building cornerstones to promote the powerboating lifestyle. The Association’s unique approach utilizes not only the Industry’s foremost experts in theory and classroom education, but also those with years of experience in developing and teaching the critical but often ignored on-the-water component. RPBA courses offer both depth and breadth. The Association’s foundation course, “Close Quarters Powerboat Handling,” offered as three separate classes based on different powerboat types, assures that students receive the practical training specific for the craft they intend to operate—not practice on a boat likely to be vastly different than the one they will be handling. Before the RPBA’s formation, such in-depth, craft-specific training was not available. In addition to its thorough array of boat handling courses, the RPBA offers classes in boating safety, coastal navigation, radar use and weather interpretation & forecasting. Powerboating – Make your passion your life style.
Get Started Today On Your Education Card By Selecting Your State:
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- District Of Columbia
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming